Participant Profile


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  • Bio: I am Chaoyi Chen, from Shanghai to New York to pursue my third master degree on nonprofit and fundraising management at Columbia University in last September (2016). Before that, I worked for Fudan University Education Development Foundation, Shanghai from 2009 to 2016 and got promoted from Development Officer to the Director of Fundraising and Development in 2014. I am currently a senior volunteer for Fudan U.S. Foundation and Fudan Alumni Association helping fundraising and alumni network in the North America. Outside of work, I’m also involved in different social networks, such as the Young Leaders Program of the Pacific Forum, organized by the U.S. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Alumni Ambassador of Center of Global Politics, Free Berlin University. I am extremely passionate about working in Non-Profit Sector and believe in that my efforts will make a difference to the society. I held both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in International Relations and passed all Master Equivalent courses in Finance from Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Besides Mandarin and English, I also have the basic proficiency in French and Japanese. I got the certifications of the Intermediate Economist and Accountant Credential/Certificate of Accountant Profession.

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