The role of information in the higher education system: the Peruvian reform

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After the increase in the supply of universities and the problems in the quality of its management and services, Peru had the urgent need to implement reform.

When the reform was designed by the Peruvian Ministry of Education, the team in charge of its implementation realized they had plenty of questions that needed to be answered but no information to do so. Although an information system was initially considered as a separate component of the reform, in practice measures had to be carried out to answer key questions.


How was data-driven decision making carried out?

Considering an information system was not existent… What did the Peruvian Ministry of Education do?

1.Defined key questions that needed to be asked

2.Looked for possible sources of information: (i) Approached the owners of the information and followed bureaucratic procedures to have access to data; (ii) Used  and aggregated already public information; (iii) implemented ways to gather new information (ex. Ad hoc surveys)

3.Analyzed data


In the attached presentation you are going to find the three examples of how information allowed the Ministry to design better initiatives that were part of the higher education reform.


*** I was particularly involved in data visualization initiatives like the implementation of and a business intelligence dashboard. If you have questions on these matters, I will be happy to talk to you.