Maggio “Orlando Innamorato”

Scenes from Orlando Innamorato. Maggio by Luca Sillari
Compagnia Maggistica “Monte Cusna di Asta”

Stanza numbers indicated below are from the published script (2004).

Angelica appears in Charlemagne’s court (stanzas 2-13); duel between Astolfo and Ferraguto at the Fonte del Pino (stanzas 15-28); Astolfo returns to Parigi (stanzas 29-35):


Rinaldo falls out of love with Angelica at Merlin’s fountain while Angelica falls in love with Rinaldo at the fonte dell’amore (stanzas 36-38, 43-48); in-between Orlando and Feraguto fight over Angelica (stanzas 39-42):


Orlando captured by Dragontina (stanzas 56-61):


Brandimarte and Fiordelisa encounter Astolfo (stanzas 62-72):


Brandimarte, Fiordelisa, and Astolfo at Dragontina’s palace (stanzas 73-86):


Albarosa’s tragic story written in blood (stanzas 87-91)


Truffaldino tricks Angelica (stanzas 110-116):


Marfisa and Bradamante attempt to liberate prisoners (stanzas 117-137):


Fiordelisa encounters Rinaldo (stanzas 138-145):


Truffaldino’s death (146-168):


Angelica and Fiordelisa free Marfisa and Bradamante (stanzas 169-171):


Angelica battles Dragontina (stanzas 172-192):

Milan, May 30, 2004.


A version of the Orlando Innamorato by the same company, performed in Regnano, Casola in Lunigiana (MS), on June 9, 2019, was filmed by Umberto Bertolini and is available on the Museo Italiano dell’Immaginario Folklorico website.

The latest version, performed at the Pro Loco d’Asta, Villa Minozzo (RE) on August 4, 2024, was filmed and edited by Maria Giménez Cavallo:


“Il Maggio drammatico a Scandiano: dall’Appennino alla Rocca, nel segno del Boiardo” (newspaper article)