Arrival of Angelica

Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato, 1.1.19-35 (Angelica’s entrance); 1.1.36-40 (Malagise discovers King Galafrone’s plan); 1.1.59-67 (Astolfo vs. Argalia); 1.1.68-1.2.16 and 1.3.51-67 (Feraguto vs. Argalia)

Lo Dico, Storia dei paladini in Francia, vol. VII, 74-77.


Sicilian puppet theater:


scene from Omaggio a Mimmo Cuticchio
(courtesy of Giacomo Cuticchio)


From Storia dei Paladini di Francia
Compagnia Gaspare Canino di Salvatore Olivieri

1. Angelica’s entrance (cfr. Orlando Innamorato 1.1.19-35)

2. Argalia reveals their father King Galafro’s plan (cfr. Orlando Innamorato 1.1.36-40)

3. Angelica expresses her love at first sight for Rinaldo (cfr. Orlando Innamorato 1.3.38-50)

4. Astolfo vs. Argalia (cfr. Orlando Innamorato 1.1.59-67)

5. Feraù di Spagna vs. Argalia (cfr. Orlando Innamorato 1.1.68 – 1.2.16 and 1.3.51-67)

San Vito lo Capo, Sicily


Il gran duello di Orlando e Agricane per amore di Angelica
Marionettistica dei Fratelli Napoli (Catania)



Epic Maggio:

Orlando Innamorato. Maggio by Luca Sillari
Compagnia Maggistica Monte Cusna di Asta
Angelica appears in Charlemagne’s court (stanzas 2-13); duel between Astolfo and Ferraguto at the Fonte del Pino (stanzas 15-28); Astolfo returns to Parigi (stanzas 29-35).

Milan, May 30, 2004.



Il Cunto siciliano:

Il Cunto di Mimmo Cuticchio, based on the Orlando Innamorato

11:02 Introduction
11:31 Charlemagne invites King Marsilio and his other “pagan” relatives to his “grande festa” in Paris.
12:50 Angelica appears and addresses the emperor.


0:00 Charlemagne promises to send his knights to joust against Angelica’s brother.
1:23 Orlando in love
2:09 In the ensuing lottery, Astolfo is chosen first, Ferraù di Spagna second, Rinaldo third.
4:19 Malagigi is caught by Angelica and sent to Cathay.
10:43 Astolfo loses to Argalia and accepts his imprisonment
13:03 Ferraù loses to Argalia’s magic lance, but refuses to accept defeat (battle cadence).
28:58 Angelica, having fled the duel, falls asleep near a river.


0:00 Orlando encounters the sleeping Angelica and contemplates her beauty.
1:21 Ferraù and Orlando fight over Angelica (battle cadence); interrupted by Fiordispina.


Theatrical adaptations:

“L’arrivo di Angelica” from Orlando Innamorato in commedia

Episodes from Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato, rendered into a two-act theatrical version by Jo Ann Cavallo and adapted by Paolo Tartamella, performed by American university students and Italian actors at the Rocca dei Boiardo, Scandiano (RE), under the direction of Vittorio Capotorto in the context of Columbia University’s Summer Program in Scandiano (2000).


Paolo Panaro, Orlando Innamorato, canto 1


Enrico Messina, from Orlando: Furiosamente solo rotolando:

Italian Academy, Columbia University, October 1, 2015. For all available scenes from this performance, see the Enrico Messina page.



From I paladini di Francia, performed by Cantieri teatrali Koreja (Angelica’s entrance follows Charlemagne’s announcement beginning 6:16):

Synopsis of play and more information.


Reading by Maria Roveran of Orlando Innamorato Book 1, canto 1, ottave 1-16:

“In Ascolto dell’Innamorato” FestivaLOVE, Scandiano, May 2020.


Audio recordings:

Michele Neri, “Una Principessa orientale arriva alla corte di Re Carlo Magno
durata 27′ 25″ 1° STORIE DEI PALADINI DI FRANCIA.mp3. (MP3 audio file can be downloaded from the above link.)