Battle of Lipadusa

Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, 41.12-17, 41.68-102, 42.1-23.

Lo Dico, Storia dei paladini di Francia, vol. X, 18-33.


Sicilian puppet theater

From L’Oro dei Napoli
Marionettistica dei Fratelli Napoli


Napoli family “cartellone” announcing the Battle of Lampedusa:


Announcement of Battle of Lampedusa episode:


Agamante despairs as he watches the fall of Biserta from the island of Lampedusa, but Gradasso and Sobrino arrive and convince him to challenge the Christians to a final battle of three against three:


Soliloquy by Agramante’s soldier-messenger I:


Soliloquy by Agramante’s soldier-messenger II:


Orlando, Olivero, and Brandimarte fight against Sobrino, Agramante, and Gradasso:


Brandimarte’s funeral procession:

Militello di Catania, August 30, 2002.
Drammaturgia: Salvatore Zinna
Scene Pupi: Alessandro e Fiorenzo Napoli
Regia: Elio Gimbo



The puppeteer Pietro Scalisi recalls the battle of Lampedusa

Palermo, March 19, 2024




The following news report on Giacomo Sferlazzo, puppeteer and cuntista of Lampedusa, includes scenes from his cunto of the battle (his explanation begins at 8:44, followed by his performance at 9:46):


‘U Cuntu – “La battaglia dei tre contro tre” performed by Giacomo Sferlazzo:


From announcement, Piazza Castello, Lampedusa, July 23, 2018: