Carlomagno, Agramante e i loro eserciti

From the maggio Rodomonte, performed by La compagnia maggistica ‘Monte Cusna di Asta’ (Villa Minozzo [RE])

Carlomagno on Agramante’s attack:


Agramante sends messenger for reinforcements:

Fivizzano (MS), July 24, 2005. For all available scenes from this performance, see the Rodomonte page.


From Orlando: Furiosamente solo rotolando by Enrico Messina:

The Encampments / I Campamenti.

Two encampments, Christian and Saracen, white and black, Rive Gauche e Rive Droit, face one another across the river. Identical. As time crawls by, the soldiers see to their daily needs, each smelling the food of the other, doing their laundry in the same river, gradually getting to know each other.

Gli accampamenti Cristiano e Saraceno, bianco e nero, Rive Gauche e Rive Droit, si fronteggiano sul Rodano. Identici. Il tempo passa lento, anzi non passa mai. Ed alla fine, a forza di guardarsi e riguardarsi, da una riva all’altra del fiume si finisce per conoscersi…


Charlemagne and Agramante / Carlo ed Agramante.

The two Kings present themselves: Charlemagne of the great white beard, and Agramante, of the long black tresses. They fight, like children, over who has more and better arms.

Ecco si presentano i due Re: Re Carlo Magno, con la sua lunga barba bianca, e Re Agramante, con i suoi lunghi capelli neri. Fanno a gara, come due bambini, a chi ha più armate.

(from synopsis)

Italian Academy, Columbia University, October 1, 2015. For all available scenes from this performance, see the Enrico Messina page.