Angelica and Ruggiero at Ebuda

Sicilian puppet theater poster (cartello):

Marionettistica dei Fratelli Napoli, Catania, poster displayed by family following a performance, March of 2024.



Fresco cycle

Palazzo Besta di Teglio in Sondrio (Valtellina)

The above video is part of a student digital project, Palazzo Besta racconta l’Ariosto, undertaken by the Polo liceale Città di Sondrio with the collaboration of various entities. All seven videoclips (concerning the frescoed stories of Ginevra, Gabrina, Angelica, and Astolfo on the moon) are currently available on the youtube channel of the Direzione regionale Musei Lombardia (https://

For more photos of the fresco cycle, see Palazzo Besta di Teglio in Sondrio (Valtellina).


Photographic art

For Angelica about to be rescued by Ruggiero, see the third photo in Flavia Rossi’s Altre storie di Angelica (created for the museum of Palazzo Besta as part of the “TRE·DI·CI – SGUARDI SUI MUSEI DI LOMBARDIA” project, 2023).