Michele Neri


Born in Florence in 1962, Michele Neri has been working as a storyteller for over ten years, after studying with various teachers in the theatre sector, and in particular by studying reading aloud.

He collects, studies, and reworks the texts of the great collections of fairy tales and legends of the Italian popular tradition and of the Mediterranean countries, re-proposing them in narratives that are always different and calibrated according to the audience with whom he works.

For some years he has been passionate about THE STORIES OF THE PALADINS OF FRANCE, taking inspiration from some of the many stories that make up the works of Matteo Maria Boiardo’s ORLANDO INNAMORATO and Ludovico Ariosto’s ORLANDO FURIOSO and from the compilation of Giusto Lo Dico, ranging between scenes and adventures in which the various characters meet, clash, lose each other, and then find each other again. In the multifaceted development of characters and adventures, he offers the public the opportunity to undertake imaginative and incredible journeys.

Since autumn 2022 he has started a collaboration with the Museo Italiano dell’Immaginario Folklorico in Piazza al Serchio (Lucca).

A wide range of his audio productions can be downloaded for free from his website, in the podcast section: https://www.micheleneri.info/podcast-audio/


Specific episodes from the Paladins of France narrative:

Storie dei paladini di Francia: l’epica cavalleresca raccontatosi a bambini, ragazzi ed adulti
Michele Neri

Audio: 5 episodes of circa 30 minutes each, from “Una principessa orientale arriva alla corte di Re Carlo Magno” (Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato) to “La follia del Paladino Orlando” (Ariosto, Orlando Furioso). MP3 audio files can be downloaded.

Visuals: Slideshow of artistic representations: “La mia visione dei Paladini.”

Video: lettura-narrazione dalla libera rielaborazione dei testi dell’Orlando Furioso, Orlando innamorato, La storia dei paladini di Francia. [Scroll down to mid-page for a series of filmed performances based on chivalric epic narratives.]


Michele Neri’s website: https://www.micheleneri.info/

tel. 055 666.429   –  cell. 377 9650475

Via di San Salvi, 13  –  50135 Firenze – ITALIA

michele.neri@libero.it  –  michele.neri1962@gmail.com
