Goals and Objectives depression

Educational Goal

Students will be able to demonstrate competencies in knowledge, skills, and attitudes of an effective clinician in evaluating and caring for patients with depression and mood disorders in the primary care setting.

Medical Knowledge

The students will:

  1. Apply the nationally recognized guidelines for screening and diagnosing depression and other mood disorders in patient care.
  2. Apply the practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with major depressive disorders.
  3. Identify appropriate elements of a suicide risk assessment and action plan.

Patient Care

The students will:

  1. Recognize the importance of effective detection and treatment of depression in adults.
  2. Review the depressed mood algorithm and the DSM-IV to guide the differential diagnosis in the primary care setting.
  3. Identify manic and hypomanic symptoms associated with bipolar disorder in depressed patients.
  4. Formulate management plans for the longitudinal care of patients with depression.
  5. Develop prevention plans, including health education and behavioral change strategies, for patients with depression.

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

The student will:

  1. Explore relevant psychosocial and cultural issues that impact on care.
  2. Provide effective education and counseling to patients with mood disorders and their families.
  3. Demonstrate awareness of improved health care outcomes through effective communication and forming therapeutic alliances with patients.
  4. Discuss behaviors with patients, in an empathic, respectful and non judgmental manner.

Practice Based Learning

The student will:

  1. Use information technology to access medical information and support self-education and clinical decision making.
  2. Critically review the medical literature regarding new evidence based clinical trials and its implication on current treatment guidelines of depression and mood disorders.
  3. Use information technology to access patient and family education resources on depression.


The student will:

  1. Demonstrate professionalism by completing this web module during the assigned period.

Systems Based Practice

The student will:

  1. Identify which cases can be managed by the primary care physician and which should be referred for co-management with a specialist.
  2. Improve patient care outcomes through effective communication with other health care professionals, partnerships through community resources, and government agencies.

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The Etiology of Mood Disorders >>