Hi class,
As this class comes closer to the end, I feel like delving into another important factor of HE across Asian countries – the role of private institutions.
For comparison, I attached data from Asian Development Bank (https://www.adb.org/sites/ default/files/publication/ 29869/private-higher- education-across-asia.pdf) about private enrollment and institutional share.
Moreover, it presents a kind of typology classifying each country in Asia into 3 categories (see below).
To me it seems that each country’s situation reflects not only on their economic situation but also on social and political contexts and government policies related to HE.
Here are questions for discussion;
1. How do you relate each country’s situation to government policies that we covered or not in the class?
2. This data is in late 2000s – do you see drastic changes to this trend nowadays and if so, what’s the driver?
Thanks for reading!