

Book Groups on Graphic Novels
Continue in 2021!
3 Graphic Novels to Read with Us!
Our free Book Groups continue on January 5th with three more graphic novels covering rich and complex topics in East Asian history. The visual texts offer new entry points into difficult subject matter and as a group we will discuss how to incorporate both the topics and the books into your classroom. Registration is open and we hope you'll join us!

Tiananmen 1989: Our Shattered Hopes 
Written by Lun Zhang & Adrien Gombeaud, Illustrated by Ameziane
January 5 - February 9, 2021
5 Sessions; 10 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Follow the story of China's infamous, June Fourth Incident - otherwise known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre ― from the first-hand account of a young sociology teacher who witnessed it all. 

The 14th Dalai Lama: A Manga Biography
Written and illustrated by Tetsu Saiwai
February 17 - March 16, 2021
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
At the age of two, Tenzin Gyatso, child of a peasant family in northeastern Tibet, was recognized as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama the manifestation of the Buddha of Compassion. Just fourteen years later, this young man assumed full political power over his nation upon the invasion of Chinese forces. 

by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
April 7 - May 11, 2021
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
The term "comfort women" is widely used to refer to the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery. "Grass" is a powerful antiwar graphic novel, telling the life story of a Korean girl named Okseon Lee who was forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War ― a disputed chapter in twentieth-century Asian history. Beginning in Lee’s childhood, "Grass" shows the lead-up to the war from a child’s vulnerable perspective, detailing how one person experienced the Japanese occupation and the widespread suffering it entailed for ordinary Koreans.
More AFE Resources Online!
Many more resources can be found on our website including learning modules, background information, and recommended materials on art, history, geography, and more.
Asia for Educators (AFE) is an initiative of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University. AFE receives generous funding for professional development on East Asia from the Freeman Foundation. AFE is a member of The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA), which is generously funded by the Freeman Foundation as a multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools nationwide. NCTA is a premier provider of professional development on East Asia. AFE also receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education.
Follow us on Facebook for more news and
updates on East Asia and Education!








1 – 秋季學期回顧


拉丁裔: 37.8%

2 – 和社區機構 Commonpoint Queens 的合作計劃

我們無比歡心雀躍地在此宣佈我們已正式和Commonpoint Queens展開合作交流。我們已共同策劃了一份前導計劃,目前僅提供給64位學童,但有望於2021年春季擴增受惠人數。此計畫主要設計給小一與小二生,提供閱讀、數學、科學與社會學科方面的指導。領導的七位COVE輔導教師分別來自巴納德學院(Barnard College)、賓州大學(Univeresity of Pennsylvania) 、德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin) 、賓漢頓大學(Binghamton University)、聖約翰大學(St. Johns University) 以及哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)。此計劃將於十一月九日至十二月十七日,星期一至星期四的下午三點到五點舉行。

透過此教育計劃,我們期許能延續Commonpoint Queens的使命,無論您的宗教、種族、社會背景、國籍、性別認同、性偏好、年齡為何或是否有身心障礙,都能在一個兼容並蓄、促進個人成長、滿足個人需求並積極營造社群的環境裡,維持且提升所屬社區、家庭乃至個人生活的品質。
更多有關此次合作的訊息都記錄在我們的訊息與活動(news & events)頁面裡。

3 – 大學申請入學系列講座

COVE很興奮能在此向學生與家長們介紹我們的新課程:2020-2021 COVE大學申請入學系列講座!此系列分成五個部分,涵蓋大學校系查詢到入學後應注意的大小事,從基礎入門到內行提點,讓您在申請路上立下成功基石。我們相信大學入學不僅限於申請學校,還包含如何多面向地從經濟、學術和社會層面確立方向、為升大學做足準備。




這些講座將由兩位洞悉助學金相關資訊的專業人士共同設計、講授,他們分別曾求學於和(或)任職於紐約市立大學(The City University of New York)、弗吉尼亞大學(the University of Virginia)、阿莫斯特學院(Amherst College)、哈佛大學(Harvard University)以及哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University),也曾以學生及志工身份加入數所大學入學相關組織機構,例如,QuestBridge 和 1vyG。他們專注於,來自第一代移民及低所得家庭(FGLI)的學生還有其他少數族群的求學經驗並相當期待能分享對於上述族群尤其相對有益的資訊。


我們的第一場講座為「大學申請入門」,預計於十二月十四日,週一美東時間的晚上七點到八點半舉行。與會者將探討大學助學金項目,提供各類校系概述、申請過程、費用抵免以及獎學金計畫等資訊。此次講座特別針對紐約市立大學(CUNY)和紐約州立大學(SUNY)兩大系統以及開放給紐約州學生申請的大學入學機會計畫,例如EOP/HEOP and SEEK 做相關說明。





4 – 愛護自己系列募款活動

我們將於近幾週舉辦第二波募款活動。三場精彩的線上工作坊都逐一安排於聖誕佳節之前,慈善星期二(Giving Tuesday)當週的十二月一日便將為系列活動拉開序幕,我們以募得$1,000為目標,以持續為我們的學生提供免費線上課程計劃。


你可以複製網頁網址到谷歌翻譯(Google Translate)裡,網頁便會自動為您翻譯網頁內容。 

5 – 結語


COVE的每一位成員都衷心希望您度過了一個美好的秋季學期,我們迫不及待新學期與您再次相會!謹此   敬頌


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Copyright © 2020 Community of Volunteer Educators (COVE), All rights reserved.

As always, feel free to reach out to us at:

Community of Volunteer Educators · 521 W 146th Street · P.O. Box #410 · New York, NY 10031 · USA

To better understand China and formulate effective policy, the United States needs to train a new generation of scholars who possess deep understanding of China’s contemporary politics, society, and modern history, as well as fluency in Chinese language. These specialists are essential to inform U.S. public policy and to train successive generations of American experts.

Chinese Language Fellowship ProgramThe Chinese Language Fellowship Program (CLFP) addresses these needs by providing fellowships of up to $45,000 to American PhD students so that they can devote one year to intensive Chinese language training at an institution of the fellow’s choice, generally in China or Taiwan. The fellowship is intended to cover all expenses at a graduate student level, including tuition, housing living stipend, and other miscellaneous fees.

The Chinese Language Fellowship Program has been made possible through a generous grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Application for the 2020–21 academic year is now open. The deadline for applications is January 20, 2020. Apply now.


The Chinese Language Fellowship Program aims to:

  • Build a generation of American scholars with outstanding Chinese language skills, strengthening the level of national expertise in the field.
  • Ensure the quality of instruction for future generations of American students focused on China (based on the enhanced skills/training of those fellows who choose to remain and work within academia upon completing their PhDs).
  • Enrich the level of understanding of critical issues in U.S.-China relations, as well as the ability to shape policy in the United States and engage with Chinese stakeholders in China (based on the enhanced skills/training for those fellows who choose to enter public service after earning their PhDs).

Tsinghua University campus

Tsinghua University campus, Beijing (Photo by drnan tu)

Online Professional Development on East Asia

Our Fall Book Groups on China Continue!

Comics, Graphic Novels and Drama
You can still join our Fall Book Groups looking at Chinese history through the lens of texts that bring the past to life! We will cover the much-adapted Mulanstarting Oct 23, followed by the Graphic Novel Forget Sorrow Nov 20 (read an interview with author/artist Belle Yang here).
Our the series Understanding China through Comics continues in the new year along with the graphic novel, A Chinese Life.
Read and work on your own time; earn professional development hours that also count towards study tour requirements.

Understanding China Book Groups

Understanding China - Mulan

Mulan: Five Versions of a Classic Chinese Legend
Understanding China through Drama
by Shiamin Kwa and Wilt L. Idema (Translators)
October 23 - November 19, 2019
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hour
Moderator: Lynn Kalinauskas
Register Here

Understanding China - Forget Sorrow

Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale
Understanding China through Graphic Novels
by Belle Yang
November 20 - December 17, 2019
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding Exra1
A great way to learn about China's vast history!
- Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club, on Understanding China Through Comics

Understanding China - Barbarians

Barbarians and the Birth of Chinese Identity: The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the Yuan Dynasty (907 - 1368)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 3
by Jing Liu
January 8 - January 28, 2020
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding China - Modern

The Making of Modern China: The Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty (1368-1912)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 4
by Jing Liu
January 29 - February 18, 2020
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Combines breezy style with historical rigor to strike just the right gong-tone for 
a middle school audience approaching the vast scope of Chinese history.
Education About Asia on Understanding China Through Comics

Understanding China - Chinese Life

A Chinese Life
Understanding China through Graphic Novels
Written by Philippe Ôtié and Li Kunwu, Illustrated by Li Kunwu, Translated by Edward Gauvin
February 19 - April 14, 2020
8 Sessions; 16 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane

Register Here

(A Look into A Chinese Life)

Join Our Mailing List
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AFE Logo

Asia for Educators (AFE) receives generous funding for professional development on East Asia from the Freeman Foundation. AFE is a member of The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) , which is generously funded by the Freeman Foundation as a multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools nationwide. NCTA is a premier provider of professional development on East Asia. AFE also receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education.

*Please note: You will be required to first create a Moodle account and verify the account by email. Then you will have access to all of the simulcast materials and information.

If you already have a Moodle account, just sign in when prompted.

Online Professional Development on East Asia

Understanding China Through 

Comics, Graphic Novels, and Drama 

7 Fun Texts on Chinese History!
Our new Book Groups feature graphic texts and drama on China - including an acclaimed comic series, 2 graphic novels, and an in-depth look into multiple adaptations of the story of China's woman warrior, Mulan.
Read and work on your own time; earn professional development hours that also count towards study tour requirements. We hope you'll join us!

Understanding China Book Groups

Understanding China - Foundations

Foundations of Chinese Civilization: The Yellow Emperor to the Han Dynasty (2697 BCE - 220 CE)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 1
by Jing Liu
September 18 - October 8, 2019
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding China - Division

Division to Unification in Imperial China: The Three Kingdoms to the Tang Dynasty (220-907)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 2
by Jing Liu
October 9 - October 29, 2019
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding Exra1
A great way to learn about China's vast history!
- Amy Tan, author of The Joy Luck Club, on Understanding China Through Comics

Understanding China - Mulan

Mulan: Five Versions of a Classic Chinese Legend
Understanding China through Drama
by Shiamin Kwa and Wilt L. Idema (Translators)
October 23 - November 19, 2019
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hour
Moderator: Lynn Kalinauskas
Register Here

Understanding China - Forget Sorrow

Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale
Understanding China through Graphic Novels
by Belle Yang
November 20 - December 17, 2019
4 Sessions; 8 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding China - Barbarians

Barbarians and the Birth of Chinese Identity: The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the Yuan Dynasty (907 - 1368)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 3
by Jing Liu
January 8 - January 28, 2020
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Understanding China - Modern

The Making of Modern China: The Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty (1368-1912)
Understanding China through Comics, Book 4
by Jing Liu
January 29 - February 18, 2020
3 Sessions; 6 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane
Register Here

Combines breezy style with historical rigor to strike just the right gong-tone for 
a middle school audience approaching the vast scope of Chinese history.
Education About Asia on Understanding China Through Comics

Understanding China - Chinese Life

A Chinese Life
Understanding China through Graphic Novels
Written by Philippe Ôtié and Li Kunwu, Illustrated by Li Kunwu, Translated by Edward Gauvin
February 19 - April 14, 2020
8 Sessions; 16 PD Hours
Moderator: Karen Kane

Register Here

(A Look into A Chinese Life)

Join Our Mailing List
Like us on Facebook
AFE Logo

Asia for Educators (AFE) receives generous funding for professional development on East Asia from the Freeman Foundation. AFE is a member of The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) , which is generously funded by the Freeman Foundation as a multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools nationwide. NCTA is a premier provider of professional development on East Asia. AFE also receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education.

*Please note: You will be required to first create a Moodle account and verify the account by email. Then you will have access to all of the simulcast materials and information.

If you already have a Moodle account, just sign in when prompted.


Welcome 欢迎 (huānyíng), to the Chinese American International School, the oldest Chinese English dual language immersion school in the nation. Founded in San Francisco in 1981, CAIS is a leader in its field and prides itself on being a life-changing, world-changing institution.

logo 2

For over 30 years, CAIS has prepared students to navigate the interconnected world they will inherit. At CAIS, we have created a challenging educational program which provides students with the academic skills and core social-emotional competencies that will serve them across American and Chinese language and culture. We envision young adults who can move comfortably and confidently between languages and cultures—no matter what careers and avocations they pursue—and it is our commitment to foster this capability.

Visit our school and get to know us better. Familiarize yourself with our educational programs and the group of talented, dedicated and creative students, educators, parents and friends who comprise our inclusive community.

Learning and Teaching East Asian Art

6 Video Sessions
Our new six-part series of free video presentations with Power Point images, classroom resources, and discussion boards - specifically covering items on the AP art exam.
Take part in any number of sessions, one, two or all 6! Professional Development Hours are available.

The Sessions

Teaching the Arts of China Across the Curriculum (K-8)
19 min Presentation with Pearl Lau
Discussion: March 20-30

Teaching East Asian Art in the AP Art History Curriculum
31 min with Lisa Hirkaler
March 27-April 6
Presentation Link

How to Read Chinese Paintings
73 min with Maxwell K. Hearn
Discussion: April 3-13

Presentation Link

Keys to Understanding the Arts of China
5 sections with Sandrine Larrive-Bass (120 min)
Discussion: April 10-20

Presentation Link

Keys to Understanding the Arts of Japan
5 sections with Matthew McKelway (60 min)
Discussion: April 17-27

Presentation Link

KOREAN ART - Selected Works
More info TBA - available May 1

How the Series Works
You may take part in any number of sessions. Participation is free; just create a user name and sign in. There will be a one-week period where you can participate in an online dialogue with a presenter and another discussion board with other educators that will remain active.
2 Professional Development Hours available for each session for those who wish and complete a Teaching Reflection on the session.

Join Our Mailing List
Like us on Facebook
AFE Logo

Asia for Educators (AFE) receives generous funding for professional development on East Asia from the Freeman Foundation. AFE is a member of The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) , which is generously funded by the Freeman Foundation as a multi-year initiative to encourage and facilitate teaching and learning about East Asia in elementary and secondary schools nationwide. NCTA is a premier provider of professional development on East Asia. AFE also receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education.

CIS has an opening for a native Putonghua speaking teacher with strong English communication skills for the 2019-2020 school year. Degree in Chinese Language and Literature or related field, capable of teaching Chinese as a First and Second Language. Experience teaching early years/primary school aged students preferred. Dynamic, collaborative and suitably experienced and qualified teachers with the ability to work in a dual language environment are invited to apply.

More Information: