Welcome to META!

 Mandarin Expansive Tactics Available


This META project came out of repeated requests and a dire need from our Chinese bilingual education community due to a lack of culturally relevant/responsive LOTE (Language Other Than English) pedagogical resources in the U.S. context. We choose the pre-fix/word, META, because it has a connotation of change in its Greek etymology root for beyond that is well situated for our beginning project.

What does META do?

The purpose of this platform is for current and future Chinese bilingual teachers to exchange their insights, share the instructional materials, and mobilize new knowledge in practices via the venues of Curriculum Talk through collaborative conversations. META is a great virtual place for glocalized Chinese bilingual educators to generate transformative ideas collectively for their teaching by grades and by subjects in Mandarin Dual Language Programs. We hope to serve as a creative thinking hub to synergize the efforts of a broader innovative audience here in New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) public schools and with our TC BBE  alums nationally and internationally.

Recent publications:

Chang, S. & Martínez-Roldán, C. (2018). Multicultural Lessons Learned from a Chinese Bilingual After-School Program: Using Technology to Support Ethnolinguistic Children’s Cultural Production. Multicultural Education Journal (25), 2, 36-41. Chang & Martínez-Roldán (2018)

Sharing from BBE Pre-service Teachers:

  • A really good website to teach students Traditional Chinese characters and strokes shared by Yuguang Li (BBE Pre-service Teacher Fall 2018):http://stroke-order.learningweb.moe.edu.tw/home.do Students can write the words with their fingers on the touchscreen.They need to write the words following the sequence of strokes, or the website will say "please try again". It works super well in my placement classroom, and students are all excited to try it on the screen.
  • Another website that lists of Chinese reading materials in multiple levels shared by Muyi Yang (BBE Pre-service Teacher Fall 2018) http://www.levelchinese.com/