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Sources from the New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) Assistant Commissioner Newsletter in June 2016

US Department of Education Releases Toolkit for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Programs The US Department of Education announced on June 2, 2016, a new Federal policy statement from the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Education on better supporting dual language learners in early childhood programs.

Following are links to the press statement and the Toolkit

From the New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) Assistant Commissioner Newsletter in June 2016

The New York State Seal of Biliteracy was approved by the Board of Regents along with the criteria required to demonstrate proficiency in two or more languages. The Board’s approval is an endorsement of language acquisition within our state’s schools and communities and a call to districts to encourage and celebrate language learning. Furthermore, it is an opportunity for teachers to develop rigorous and stimulating programs so that all students can demonstrate the level of proficiency that will earn them the NYS Seal of Biliteracy. We are delighted to introduce this new initiative and will work with administrators and educators throughout the state to help them create their programs. Resources for Implementation include:

  • NYSSB Handbook which includes Q/A guidance document, forms, regents item, glossary and resource links
  • Required forms, including District Notification Form, Seal Image Request Form, and End-of-Year Data Form
  • All information can be found here.

Sources from the New York State Education Department Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) Assistant Commissioner Newsletter in June 2016

Elementary Students

Elementary ELL Parent Video -Cantonese from DELLSS on Vimeo.

Elementary ELL Parent Video - English from DELLSS on Vimeo.

Middle and High School Students

Introduction in Cantonese

ELL Parent Orientation Video (Chinese simplified)

ELL Parent Orientation Video (Chinese traditional)

The Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages is pleased and excited to release an English Language Learner (ELL) parent orientation video, titled English Language Learner Programs in New York State. This lively whiteboard animation, which runs approximately ten minutes, describes the ELL identification process and outlines in detail various program options available to parents. Under CR part 154, prior to an ELL’s placement in a Bilingual Education (BE) or English as a New Language (ENL) program, districts must provide parents (or persons in parental relation) of new ELL entrants with a high-quality orientation session in the parents’/guardians’ indicated preferred language. In order to ensure that districts provide consistent information regarding ELL programs and services, the video should be used at all ELL parent orientation sessions. It is currently available in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, Haitian, Russian, Spanish, Bengali and Urdu. In addition, if the video is not available in a parent or guardian’s preferred language, they are making every effort to ensure that a translated script will be provided in that language. Please note that the Comprehensive Guide for Parents of ELLs contains information found in the video and much more. Topics covered in the video include, but are not limited to:

  • A description of the ELL identification process
  • An explanation of ENL and BE programs, including Transitional Bilingual Education and Dual Language programs
  • ELLs’ basic rights under CR Part 154
  • OBEWL and ELL Parent Hotline contact information

In addition, the NYSED has created a number of translated resources specifically for parents, including a Parent Bill of Rights that summarizes critical rights concerning educational access and programming for ELLs and their parents and guardians. The Bill also includes information on how parents, persons in parental relation, and students can contact our ELL Parent Hotline at (800) 469-8224 or OBEWL at 518-474-8775 if they have questions or concerns.