Welcome 欢迎 (huānyíng), to the Chinese American International School, the oldest Chinese English dual language immersion school in the nation. Founded in San Francisco in 1981, CAIS is a leader in its field and prides itself on being a life-changing, world-changing institution.
For over 30 years, CAIS has prepared students to navigate the interconnected world they will inherit. At CAIS, we have created a challenging educational program which provides students with the academic skills and core social-emotional competencies that will serve them across American and Chinese language and culture. We envision young adults who can move comfortably and confidently between languages and cultures—no matter what careers and avocations they pursue—and it is our commitment to foster this capability.
Visit our school and get to know us better. Familiarize yourself with our educational programs and the group of talented, dedicated and creative students, educators, parents and friends who comprise our inclusive community.