The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York has offered an all-expenses-paid study tour to teachers who have participated in our NCTA program. We were asked to select two teachers from New York and two from New Jersey and one alternate from each state. They will be joined by other NCTA teachers from around the country. Although this short notice is extremely unusual for our announcement of a study tour, it is such a great opportunity for those who have never traveled to China or Taiwan that we couldn't refuse. NCTA is supervising the itinerary and will provide a background reading list for the participants. Other NCTA sites have coordinated their China/Taiwan summer study tours with the Taipei office. A sample itinerary from the NCTA site at the University of Southern California, Director Clay Dube, from last summer's trip is attached.
If you are free this winter after the holidays and interested, please send a brief bio, including the NCTA courses you have completed and a personal statement explaining how this trip would enhance your curriculum, to
Karen Kane (
by October 9, 2018 .
Acceptances will be announced by email on October 15, 2018. No visas are required for Taiwan; you just need a valid passport with an expiration date at least six months later than your return date. The international exit city will be New York; the only expenses you will incur will be transportation to New York and shopping. You must have completed 30 hours of NCTA courses and never have visited Taiwan.
U.S. Educators Delegation to the Republic of China (Taiwan) Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
1. Members: High school teachers who teach history, geography, or civic education and are interested in Asian issues. Teachers must have completed 30 hours of NCTA courses.
2. Dates: December 26th, 2018 to January 2, 2019.
3. Program: Program in Taiwan will include visits to government agencies, NGOs, and schools as well as some famous scenery and cultural sites in Taipei and one other city.
4. Cost: None. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will pay for round-trip economy-class airline tickets, hotels, meals, and transportation in Taiwan.
5. Purpose: The purpose of the trip is to promote increased understanding about Taiwan among U.S. high school teachers, who would then apply their knowledge about Taiwan in their classrooms.