Arabia, Persia, and the Subcontinent Oral tradition dating back to the 7th century Illustrated manuscript commissioned by the Mughal Emperor Akbar, c. 1562Urdu version by Ghalib Lakhnavi, 1855Expanded by Abdullah Bilgirami, 1871 Ghalib Lakhnavi The Adventures of...
Italy 1858-1860 Giusto Lodico (La Storia dei paladini di Francia) Malaguerra Malaguerra (named Orello at birth and also called Morbello) is a fictional knight who first appears in Giusto Lodico’s Storia dei paladini di Francia [History of...
Armenia Oral tradition: c. 9th century CEFirst set to writing: 1874 The Daredevils of Sasun (Sasna Tsrer) “David of Sassoun” is the Armenian national folk epic representing the ethos of the Armenian people in their age-old struggle for freedom from invasion and...
Mexico First published in 1904. Francisco Granados Maldonado La Zaragozaida Francisco Granados Maldonado is, to this day, the very definition of an obscure poet. We do not know when or where he was born; according to extant registers, he died in...
Portugal 1934 Francisco Pessoa, Mensagem Francisco Pessoa’s Mensagem (1934) is an esoteric national epic simultaneously steeped in reverential homage to the past while paving the way for what it means to compose an epic in the modern era. This duality can be...
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