Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato

Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato

Italy Published: 1483 CE; 1495 CE Matteo Maria Boiardo, Orlando Innamorato Written for a fifteenth-century Italian court society hooked on Arthurian romance but also attuned to current world events, Boiardo’s Orlando Innamorato (Orlando in Love) charts a complex...
Martorell, Tirant lo Blanch

Martorell, Tirant lo Blanch

Spain First edition, 1490     Joanot Martorell Tirant lo Blanch​     A Valencian knight named Joanot Martorell replaced his sword with a pen on January 2, 1460, in order to narrate the adventures of a fictional knight. This undertaking resulted in...
Montalvo, Amadís de Gaula

Montalvo, Amadís de Gaula

Spain First edition, 1496; oldest extant edition, 1508.     Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo Amadís de Gaula   Amadis de Gaula (Amadis of Gaul) was the most famous and bravest knight in the entire Hispanic literary tradition, that is, until a crazy gentleman in a...
Maximilian et al., Theuerdank

Maximilian et al., Theuerdank

Germany First printed in 1517   Maximilian I et al.,   Theuerdank   Composed in rhymed couplets, the German epic Theuerdank narrates the adventures of the eponymous knight on his journey to meet his fiancée, Princess Ehrenreich. First printed in 1517 by...
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso

Ariosto, Orlando Furioso

Italy Composed: 1506-1532 CEPublished: 1516; 1521; 1532     Lodovico Ariosto, Orlando Furioso Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso is a continuation of the romance epic Orlando Innamorato, which was left unfinished at the ninth canto of Book Three when Boiardo died in...