School Tales: Online Research and Repository Initiative
Who We Are
STORRI is a website designed to attract, share, unpack, engage, and celebrate stories of “wobble” that teachers tell about the complexity of contemporary classrooms. Through STORRI, teachers and teacher educators will have opportunities to write about moments in their practices when their belief systems wobbled.
What we mean by wobble is something happened in the classroom that compelled you to pay attention, to stop and think, to raise a question, to open yourself to other perspectives.
By collecting these stories, we hope to provide other angles on classrooms, ones that show the inter-workings between students and teachers.
Why story? Through story, we can help others learn about the messiness of classrooms, the joy learning, the importance of drawing meaning from the moments that challenge us.
Our stories can depict the hurdles, possibilities, challenges, and successes that occur between teachers and students. Each of these stories is a thread that helps us understand the larger tapestry of education.
Although, this website has been designed, implemented, and is maintained by students and faculty members at Teachers College, Columbia University, it is intended to help all educators and the general public put a human face on the work of teachers and students.
We invite contributions from teachers everywhere and across all disciplines.