BioSensor – DNA Sensor

A DNA biosensor is a sensing device that converts the presence of a target DNA into a detectable electrical signal. It consists of two parts, one is the identification component, the DNA probe, and the other is the transducer. The protagonist of the recognition component is used to sense whether the sample contains the target DNA to be tested; the transducer converts the signal perceived by the recognition component to observe the recorded signal. Usually, a single-stranded DNA is solidified on a transducer, and hybridized by DNA molecules to identify another DNA containing a complementary sequence to form a stable double-stranded DNA, and the target DNA is subjected to conversion by sound, light, and electric signals. Detection. The principle of DNA biosensor is that a double-stranded DNA formed by hybridization of a single-stranded DNA molecule with a known nucleotide sequence immobilized on the surface of a sensor or transducer probe to another complementary ss-DNA molecule will exhibit a certain The physical signal is finally reflected by the transducer. However, DNA molecules are very small and fragile


  1. Environmental: water environment monitoring and atmospheric environment monitoring.
  2. Military medicine: effective measure against biological weapons, monitor a variety of bacteria, viruses and their toxins, such as Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis.
  3. Forensic science: DNA identification, paternity testing, etc.

One Example:

Illustration of graphene-based SNP detection chip wirelessly transmitting signal to a smartphone.

BioSensor chip that can detect a type of genetic mutation known as a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and send the results in real time to an electronic device.


Skill level required for electronics and coding: Expert

Iris Recognition Sensor

In general, in all conventional biometrics (including fingerprints, faces, irises, sounds, palm prints, etc.), due to the accuracy, anti-counterfeiting, uniqueness, and stability of the iris itself, mainstream academics generally consider the iris to be Fingerprint or facial recognition is more “advanced” identification method. It should be known that compared with 0.8% false rate of fingerprints, 2% of the face, iris recognition as low as one millionth of the misrecognition rate seems to have almost no Deception

One Example:

IriShield-USB MO 2120 Auto-Capture Iris Camera Module

IriShield™ Series is an ultra-compact, auto-capture camera module, complete with onboard iris recognition and a PKI-based security infrastructure that ensures complete data security.

Skill level required for electronics and coding: Expert

Contact Switches


They’re often used to detect when a door or drawer is open, which is why they have mounting tabs and screws.

Technical Description: 

  • Normally open reed switch
  • ABS enclosure
  • Rated current: 100 mA max
  • Rated voltage: 200 VDC max
  • Distance: 15mm max

Depending on the sensor, the amount of resistance may vary, as well as the maximum amount of pressure that can be applied.


Sample Sensor: 

Magnetic contact switch (door sensor)

Sample Exercise:



Hand Gesture Sensor

As the gesture function gradually joins the user interface (UI) of products such as smartphones and tablets, the sensor market for tracking the movement of the hand with the touch screen is exploding.

There are two types of mobile phone-based gesture solutions on the market today – capacitive and infrared proximity. On devices that support gestures, dedicated proximity sensors detect motion in all directions, up, down, left, and right in a two- or three-dimensional manner. Current touch screen operations require direct touch with a finger or stylus, while capacitive gesture control goes one step further, allowing the user to interact with the device as soon as they are close to the screen.

One example:


A new Gesture Sensor Module from Alsrobot is based on APDS-9960 sensor which can recognize gesture direction from up, down, left and right. IC APDS-9960 integrate the fuction of RGB, ambient light, approach and guesture detector. Guesture sensor use I2C interface, by using accordingly Arduino fuction to realize PGM programme, feedback signal from gesture sensor module can be use as control signal to control the robot. With intelligent built-in recognition algorithm to free your hands. This item can work in contactless control scenarios, such like noncontact mouse,smart home,control of car pointing device and human-robot interaction etc.

price: $9.08


  • Input voltage:3.3V-5V
  • PIN interface: IICx interrupt PIN x1
  • Interface type: straight PIN, KF2510
  • Size:30mm x 25mm
  • Location hole: 4, separation distance 23mm x 18mm
  • Detect distance: 100mm
  • Weight: 3g
  • PINs:  -:GND /+:VCC/SDA:TxDn/SCL
  • Compatible with infrared sensor module

Skill level required for electronics and coding: Expert


Face Recognition Sensor

Face recognition uses a general-purpose camera as an identification information acquisition device. The facial image of the recognition object is acquired in a non-contact manner, and the computer system compares the database image after acquiring the image to complete the recognition process. Face recognition is a biometric-based recognition method. Compared with traditional recognition methods such as fingerprint recognition, it has the characteristics of real-time, accurate, high-precision, easy to use, high stability, difficult to counterfeit, cost-effective and non-intrusive, and easy to be accepted by the Users.


One example:

– AHD-M 1/4″ OmniVision OV9732 CMOS image sensor + Nextchip NVP2433 CCTV camera PCB board module (optional parts)

price: $3.5 – 4.5


* This camera module made by CMOS image sensor, Must install IRC (IR-Cut-Off) filter to getting normal color pictures,  otherwise will get black & white or NO color picture

* IF NOT have IRC filter,  DON’t place order on this list.

* ONLY AHD-M video signal output.

* NOT Support analog CVBS.


Skill level required for electronics and coding: Expert

Fingerprint Reader Sensor


Fingerprint door locks, safes, guns, financial and other security areas;

Access control systems, industrial computers, POS machines, driving training, attendance and other areas of identity;

Private clubs, management software, licensing and other management areas;

Medicare recipients, pensioners receive, fingerprint payment and other financial areas.

one example:

Optical Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Door Lock Access Control for Arduino Mega2560 UNO R3 Geekstory

Price: $20.85


Supply voltage: DC 3.8 to 7.0V

Operating current: <60mA

Peak current: <85mA

Fingerprint image input time: <0.5 seconds

Window area: 15 × 17mm

Storage capacity: 240



Skill level required for electronics and coding: Expert



Vernier Sensor – Motion Detector

This is the Vernier Motion Detector, a simple sensor that can be used to collect position, velocity and acceleration data of moving objects. This Vernier sensor can be used to study the motion of walking individuals, bouncing objects, a swinging pendulum, or anything else that moves.

These Motion Detectors can measure moving objects as close as 15 cm in front of them and as far as 6 meters away with a resolution of 1 mm. These Vernier sensors are also equipped with a pivoting head to help the user gain a different angle of view of a moving object and a sensitivity switch to produce higher quality data.

Technical Description:

This Motion Detector emits short bursts of ultrasonic sound waves from the gold foil of the transducer. These waves fill a cone-shaped area about 15 to 20° off the axis of the centerline of the beam. The Motion Detector then “listens” for the echo of these ultrasonic waves returning to it. The equipment measures how long it takes for the ultrasonic waves to make the trip from the Motion Detector to an object and back. Using this time and the speed of sound in air, the distance to the nearest object is determined.


Range the sensor can cappure


3 –  Competent

Sample Sensor:

Digital Distance Sensor

Digital Distance Sensor with Pololu Carrier – 0.5 cm to 5 cm by Sharp

Senses an object between 0.5 and 5 centimeters away that comes with a low current draw and on a tiny carrier board with all of the external components required to make it work. There is also another sensor that detects objects that are 2 to 10cm away as well.

Technical Description

With its quick response time, small size, low current draw, and short minimum sensing distance, this sensor is a good choice for non-contact, close-proximity object detection.


Sensor is close range distance sensor and it will only tell you if there is an object within the detection range along their narrow lines of sight; they will not tell you how far away the object is.



Sample Sensors

Digital Distance Sensor:

Sample Exercise  (Advanced Smart House Build)

Analog Light Sensor


Analog Light Sensor Breakout from Adafruit

Analog light sensor that is a great to upgrade a project that uses a photocell and needs RoHS compliance. Due to the high rejection ratio of infrared radiation, the spectral response of the ambient light sensor is close to that of human eyes.

Technical Description

connect – to ground, + to 2.5V-5.5V or so to power it. Measure the analog voltage on the OUT pin. That’s it! The voltage will increase when the sensor detects more light.


Simple sensor that can only detect ambient light that are on par with human eyes



Sample Sensors

Analog Light Sensor: 

Sample Exercise


Visible Light Sensor – Photoresistor

Photo cell (CdS Photoresistor from Adafruit)

A very small light sensor. A photocell changes (also called a photodetector, photo resistor, CdS or photoconductive cell) resistance depending on the amount of light it is exposed to. These little sensors make great ambient light triggers (when light in the room turns on, do something).

Technical Description

CdS cells are little light sensors. As the squiggly face is exposed to more light, the resistance goes down. When its light, the resistance is about 5-10KΩ, when dark it goes up to 200KΩ.


The linear relationship of the resistance and light level makes the sensor not very sensitive to changes in darken area, and also easily ‘max out’ where light is ample.


Noob (Basic)

Sample Sensor

Photo cell (CdS Photoresistor):

GA1A1S202WP Log-Scale Analog Light Sensor:

Sample Exercise