Teaching World Epics (MLA Options for Teaching World Literature)

Epics/topics covered:

Part I: The Ancient World

  1. Mahabharata
  2. Ramayana
  3. Homer, Iliad
  4. Vergil, Aeneid
  5. Statius, Thebaid


Part II: From the Tenth to the Fifteenth Century

  1. Song of Roland; Daurel and Beton; Journey of Charlemagne to Jerusalem and Constantinople
  2. Poema de mio Cid
  3. Nibelungenlied
  4. Kudrun
  5. Book of Dede Korkut
  6. Tale of the Heike (Heike Monogatari)
  7. Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi yanyi)


Part III: Literary Epics from the Sixteenth to Seventeenth Century

  1. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso and Bigolina, Urania
  2. Spenser, Faerie Queene
  3. Camões, Os Lusiadas; Ercilla, La Araucana; Villagrá, Historia de la Nueva México
  4. Milton, Paradise Lost


Part IV. Writing Oral-Derived Epics from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century

  1. Popol Wuj
  2. Kalevala
  3. Manas
  4. David of Sassoun


Part V: The Enduring Oral Tradition

  1. the Mwindo Epic
  2. the Epic of Sun-Jata
  3. the Epic of Askia Mohammed
  4. the Legend of Poṉṉivaḷa Nadu (Land of the Golden River)


Part VI: Teaching World Epics in Various Contexts

  1. Gilgamesh; Iliad; Odyssey; Aeneid; Beowulf
  2. Táin Bó Cúailnge; Geste Francor; Infancy Gospel of Thomas; Life of Buddha; Egil’s Saga
  3. Gilgamesh; Shahnameh; Sirat Bani Hilal
  4. Odyssey; Kebra Nagast; Shahnameh