c. 1170
Introduction commissioned.
Contributor Name
University Affiliation
Works Cited (if applicable)
Works Cited
Fierabras and Floripas: A French Epic Allegory, Translated by Michael A.H. Newth. Italica, 2010. Modern English translation/retelling.
The Sultan of Babylon, in Three Middle English Charlemagne Romances. Edited by Alan Lupack. Medieval Institute Publications, 1990. See also the version edited by Emil Hausknecht (EETS, London 1881).
The other Middle English texts are Sir Ferumbras (ed. Sidney J. Herrtage, EETS ES 34, London 1935) and Firumbras (ed. Mary Isabelle O’Sullivan, EETS 198, London, 1935).
Critical studies:
Copeland, Emily. From Fierabras to Stair Fortibrais: a comparative analysis of the Chanson de Geste and its adaptations in Ireland. The University of Edinburgh, 2016. Doctoral Dissertation.
Davies, Michael Howard. ‘Fierabras’ in Ireland : the transmission and cultural setting of a French epic in the medieval Irish literary tradition. The University of Edinburgh, 1995. Doctoral Dissertation.
Grinberg, Ana. “The Lady, the Giant, and the Land: The Monstrous in Fierabras.” eHumanista: Journal of Iberian Studies 2011; 18 ( ) : 186-192.
Hardman, Phillipa, and Marianne Ailes, editors. The Legend of Charlemagne in Medieval England: The Matter of France in Middle English and Anglo-Norman Literature. (Bristol Studies in Medieval Cultures, 8). D.S. Brewer, 2017.
The above list was compiled in consultation with Marianne Ailes (University of Bristol), who provided the descriptions.
Copy of the Fierabras at the Morgan Library and Museum. Hystoria del emperador Carlo Magno y delos doze pares de Francia & dela cruda batalla que ouo Oliveros con Fierabras, Rey de Alexandria, hijo del grande almirante Balan. Spanish trans. by Nicolas de Piemonte. 1521.
Digitized Manuscript of the Fierabras, British Library. Title: Roman de Brut, with continuation to Edward III; La Destruction de Rome; Fierabras. 2nd quarter of the 14th century. Egerton MS 3028. Detailed record for Egerton MS 3028 with 118 images, British Library.
The Giant Fierabras,” engraving from the 1497 edition of Jehan Bagnyon’s Roman de Fierabras le Géant at the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Detail of a miniature of Charlemagne and Fierabras with the relics, from the ‘Talbot Shrewsbury book,’ France (Rouen), Royal 15 E, vi; c. 1445.
Set in Stone. Medieval Manuscripts blog. Images from Egerton MS 3028.
In consultation with Marianne Ailes (University of Bristol).
Full performance of the Opera Fierrabras by Franz Schubert , J. Kupelwieser at the Opera de Zürich:
Christopher Hoile, Fierrabras. Stage Door Review. Article on the Canadian premiere of the opera by Schubert: February 4, 2019.