Luminosity sensor


Luminosity Sensor from Adafruit

An advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. 

Technical Description

Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor is more precise, allowing for exact Lux calculations and can be configured for different gain/timing ranges to detect light ranges from up to 0.1 – 40,000+ Lux on the fly. The  sensor contains both infrared and full spectrum diodes, which means you can separately measure infrared, full-spectrum or human-visible light. Most sensors can only detect one or the other, which does not accurately represent what human eyes see


Although very practical for everyday measure, it is not highly accurate sensor. Also with too much or too little light, sensors will either saturate or will need to increase integration time



Sample Sensor

Sample Exercise

Visible Light Sensor – Photo Transistor

Photo Transistor Light Sensor from Adafruit

Simple sensor that detects ambient light. It’s kind of the opposite of an LED – when light hits the little chip inside, it induces current to flow from the long pin to the short pin.

Technical Description

The sensor connect the pin connected to the ‘thicker’ part of the sensor to 3-15VDC or so, and the thinner-part pin through a ~1K-10K series resistor to ground. When its dark, there’s almost no current flowing through the sensor or resistor and the analog voltage is near ground. When there’s light near the sensor, the current through the resistor will increase, raising the voltage.


Phototransistors that are made of silicon are not capable of handling voltages over 1,000 Volts
Phototransistors are also more vulnerable to surges and spikes of electricity as well as electromagnetic energy.



Sample Sensors

Sample Exercise


Image Sensors(Camera)


CCD Camera with USB Interface

An image sensor or imager is a sensor that detects and conveys information used to make an image. It does so by converting the variable attenuation of light waves (as they pass through or reflect off objects) into signals, small bursts of current that convey the information. The waves can be light or other electromagnetic radiation. As technology changes, digital imaging tends to replace analog imaging.

Below are some applications of the image sensors:

  • Imaging devices such as digital cameras, camera modules, camcorders, smart phones, security cameras, PC cameras, personal digital assistants (PDAs), machine vision, security and surveillance cameras, and videoconferencing
  • Optical mouse, document scanning, barcode readers
  • Toys and games
  • Medical (dental radiography and pill cameras)
  • Scientific imaging

Technical Description

There are two types of image sensors: Charged-Coupled Device (CCD) and Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) sensors. Both types of sensors start with converting light into electrons. Each image sensor is built with an array of photodetectors called pixels that gather photons or single particles of light. The photons in the pixels are then converted to electrons. The next step is to read the value (accumulated charge) of each cell in the image, which differentiates two types. In a CCD device, the charge is actually transported across the chip and read at one corner of the array. An analog-to-digital converter turns each pixel’s value into a digital value.In most CMOS devices, there are several transistors at each pixel that amplify and move the charge using more traditional wires. The CMOS approach is more flexible because each pixel can be read individually.

CCD Sample Sensors

Barcode Reader/Scanner Module-CCD Camera-USB Interface

CMOS Sample Sensors

High-quality color CMOS camera module:


Active Infrared Sensors

RGB and Gesture Sensor

Generally speaking, there are TWO types of infrared sensors: Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) and Active Infrared Sensors (AIR)

Active Infrared Sensor (AIR)

An active IR sensor gives you any more information on your subject. Setting up an active IR sensor requires both an emitter and receiver, but this sensing method is simpler than its passive counterpart.

Active IR sensing is very common in industrial settings. In these applications, an emitter and receiver pair can accurately note whether an object is, for example, in a certain position on a conveyor. (like IR sensors in garage door to prevent injury or mechanical failure due to obstructions in a door’s path)

Technical Description

These are 3 steps of how an active infrared sensor works:

An IR emitter shoots out a beam of light, facing an in-line receiver.

If nothing is in the way, the receiver sees a signal.

If the receiver fails to see an IR beam, it detects that an object is between the emitter and the receiver, and therefore present in the monitored area.

There are multiple ways of setting up the active infrared sensors. One variation is to use an emitter and receiver facing the same direction. The two sit very close to each other so the receiver can detect an object’s reflection when it enters an area.

Sample Sensors

Proximity, Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor:

Sparkfun RGB and Gesture Sensor:

Technical Description

The infrared detector consists of a photodiode. When it is exposed to light, the energy of the photons will be transferred to atoms and thus create more free electrons. The resistance therefore changes as well as the output voltage in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light.



Sample Sensors

Proximity, Light, RGB and Gesture Sensor:

Sparkfun RGB and Gesture Sensor:


Passive Infrared Sensors

IR Emitter and Detector

Infrared Thermometer

Generally speaking, there are TWO types of infrared sensors: Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) and Active Infrared Sensors (AIR)

Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR)

A passive IR sensor’s functionality is to “realize that everything”, such as humans, animals, even inanimate objects that emit a certain amount of IR radiation. How much IR radiation they emit relates to the body or object’s warmth and material makeup.

The PIRs can be found in security alarms and automatic lighting setups. These applications don’t require that the sensor detect an object’s specific location, just that objects or people in a particular area are moving around.

How does it work

Passive IR (PIR) sensors use a pair of pyroelectric sensors to detect heat energy in the surrounding environment. These two sensors sit beside each other, and when the signal differential between the two sensors changes (if a person enters the room, for example), the sensor will engage. That may mean it triggers an alarm, notifies authorities, or maybe turns on a floodlight.

Sample Sensors

Thermometer: Infrared thermometer

Thermal Image: FLIR

Motion Sensor: PIR Motion Sensor

IR (Infrared) Receiver Sensor:

Miniature Reflective Infrared Optical Sensors:

Technical Description

The infrared detector consists of a photodiode. When it is exposed to light, the energy of the photons will be transferred to atoms and thus create more free electrons. The resistance therefore changes as well as the output voltage in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light.


Infrared sensors are vulnerable to thermal noise and therefore need to be used in thermal equilibrium and isothermal conditions.



Sample Exercise:



Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic Sonar Distance Sensor from Adafruit

Similar to dolphins’ echo-location ability, ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the distance between the object and the sensors. With this function, it is commonly used for automation, interactive art, and motion sensing.

Technical Description

A ultrasonic sensor consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitters sends high-level signal at a certain frequency and the receiver detects whether there is a pulse signal back. The time duration from sending the signal to receiving it back multiplied by the sound speed can give us the distance between the sensor and the object being detected.


Different devices may have distinct restrictions on the distance that can be measured with relatively high accuracy. Be careful when selecting a suitable one for you.



Sample Sensors

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor:

Ultrasonic Sonar Distance Sensor:

Sample Exercise


Laser Sensor

Time of Flight Distance Sensor from Adafruit

The sensor can detect the “time of flight” that is how much time the laser has taken to bounce back to the sensor, and in this way calculate the distance between the sensor and the detected object.

Technical Description

The sensor contains a very tiny invisible laser source and a matching sensor. After emitting the laser, it will measure the time it takes for the laser to bounce back to the sensor. The distance can be acquired by multiplying this time with the light speed.


Since laser sensors generally use very narrow light source, it can only determine the distance of the object/surface directly in front of it. Meanwhile, there are also recommended distance range for each specific device.



Sample Sensors

SparkFun Distance Sensor

Garmin LIDAR – Lite Optical Distance Sensor

Sample Exercise

Visible Light Sensor – RGB Sensor

RGB Color Sensor from Adafruit

RGB sensors are used to specifically detect the color of visible light. It provides a digital return of R, G, and B, and clear light sensing values.

Technical Description

RGB sensors consist of a color sensing photodiode whose resistance changes with lights of different spectrum. Some of these sensors are equipped with IR filter to minimize the IR component and therefore allows color measurements to be more accurate.


There is no common limitation, but you need to be careful about the appropriate operating conditions for each device.



Sample Sensor

RGB Color Sensor with IR filter and White LED

Sparkfun RGB Light Sensor

Sparkfun RGB and Gesture Sensor

Sample Exercise

UV Sensor

Analog UV Light Sensor from Adafruit

UV sensors, as indicated by the name, are used to detect UV light and measure UV index.

Technical Description

Similar to the other light sensors, the essential component of the UV sensor is a photodiode, in this case a UV photodiode, which can sense the spectrum range of UVA and UVB. The analog signal of the output voltage indicate the UV index.

Some other UV sensors, however, are not “true” UV sensors but rather work by sensing the visible light and IR from the sun and then calculating the UV index. You may find a sample sensor below.


The spectrum range a sensor is able to measure with accuracy may vary among different sensors. Select the device based on your need.



Sample Sensors

Analog UV Light Sensor Breakout

Sparkfun UV Light Sensor Breakout

S1145 DIgital UV Index  / IR / Visible Light Sensor

Wind speed and direction sensor

Wind Speed and Direction Sensor

Technical description:
Whether you’re an agriculturalist, a professional meteorologist or a weather hobbyist, building your own weather station can be a really rewarding project. When you’re measuring weather, however, you need some pretty specialized sensors. This kit represents the three core components of weather measurement: wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall. The wind speed meter encodes the wind speed by simply closing a switch which each rotation. The wind vane reports wind direction as a voltage which is produced by the combination of resistors inside the sensor. The vane’s magnet may close two switches at once, allowing up to 16 different positions to be indicated.

None of the sensors in this kit contain active electronics, instead, they use sealed magnetic reed switches and magnets so sourcing a voltage to take any measurements is needed.
High cost — there is a cheaper alternative on Adafruit.


Core Skill: Electrical Prototyping
Skill Level: Noob

Sample Sensor:
weather meters

Sample Exercise and basic codes:
Assembly guide: