the technical information are collected from sparkfun.
Price: $49.95
This sensor is a voice recognition shield for Arduino boards integrating an EasyVR module. It has all of the features of the EasyVR module in a shield form factor that simplifies connection to the Arduino main board and PC. It is a multi-purpose speech recognition module designed to add versatile, robust and cost effective speech and voice recognition capabilities to virtually any application.
This Sound Detector is a small and very easy to use audio sensing board with three different outputs.
- audio
- binary (yes or no: presence of sound)
- analog of amplitude
The 3 outputs are simultaneous and independent, so you can use as many or as few as you want at once.
“If you aren’t using one in your particular application, simply leave that pin disconnected.”
3. Spectacle Light and Sound Kit
This kit makes it easy to incorporate button-activated sound and light effects into projects with ease!
Ther are tools you need to make array of lights and sounds in many different fashion, all at the push of a button. If you dontwant light, there is just Sound Kit too for $99.95
Quick example of some of the fun this has in store
4. MyoWare Muscle Sensor
This sensor is another way to gain data on behavioral biometric. We use our muscles to control things. We push buttons, pull levers, move joysticks… but what if we could take the buttons, levers and joysticks out of the equation? This is the MyoWare Muscle Sensor, an Arduino-powered, all-in-one electromyography (EMG) sensor from Advancer Technologies. The MyoWare board acts by measuring the filtered and rectified electrical activity of a muscle; outputting 0-Vs Volts depending the amount of activity in the selected muscle, where Vs signifies the voltage of the power source. It’s that easy: stick on a few electrodes (not included), read the voltage out and flex some muscles!
This design allows you to attach biomedical sensor pads directly to the board itself getting rid of cables. This new board also includes a slew of other new features including, single-supply voltage of +3.1V to +5V, RAW EMG output, polarity protected power pins, indicator LEDs, and (finally) an On/Off switch.
Measuring muscle activity by detecting its electric potential, referred to as electromyography (EMG), has traditionally been used for medical research. However, with the advent of ever shrinking yet more powerful microcontrollers and integrated circuits, EMG circuits and sensors have found their way into all kinds of control systems.
This kit includes PicoBoard, multiple pieces of hardware to get you started, and connecting components to get you hooked up. Using the Scratch programming language, one can easily create simple interactive programs based on the input from sensors. The PicoBoard incorporates a light sensor, sound sensor, a button and a slider, as well as four additional inputs that can sense electrical resistance via included cables.
This requires no prior exerience in programming.
This kind of light and sound sensor could be a good way to see in chosen neighborhoods:
- if there is less light, more sound, does that refer to any sort of crime? clubbing (aka social venues)?
- if there is less light, less sound, is there any correlation?
- if there is more light, less sound what does that imply (if it does)?
This is a massive conductive ink pack with a full range of modules and other items that can be used to create cool circuits. Similar to the Lite Kit, this Circuit Scribe Maker Kit is easy to set-up, choose the modules you want to connect, draw your circuit lines with the included Conductive Ink pen and you’re good to go! With this kit you will be able to work with more advanced output components and sensors.
I am adding this as a component to add to the sensors I have posted above. You could add sound to your circuits using the Buzzer Module, fade between colors by combining the RGB LED and Potentiometer Modules, or control your outputs with light using the Photosensor.
With Circuit Scribe you can draw exactly what you want, no wires or breadboard required.
Some Tutorials and code examples:
For working on Fingerprint and Arduino
For Easy VR: