UV Sensor

Analog UV Light Sensor from Adafruit

UV sensors, as indicated by the name, are used to detect UV light and measure UV index.

Technical Description

Similar to the other light sensors, the essential component of the UV sensor is a photodiode, in this case a UV photodiode, which can sense the spectrum range of UVA and UVB. The analog signal of the output voltage indicate the UV index.

Some other UV sensors, however, are not “true” UV sensors but rather work by sensing the visible light and IR from the sun and then calculating the UV index. You may find a sample sensor below.


The spectrum range a sensor is able to measure with accuracy may vary among different sensors. Select the device based on your need.



Sample Sensors

Analog UV Light Sensor Breakout https://www.adafruit.com/product/1918.

Sparkfun UV Light Sensor Breakout https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15089.

S1145 DIgital UV Index  / IR / Visible Light Sensor https://www.adafruit.com/product/1777.

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