Sébastien Biay is a pensionnaire in medieval art the Institut national d’histoire de l’art. After his doctorate from the Centre d’Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale (Univ. de Poitiers-CNRS), where he wrote a thesis on the Romanesque sculpture of the abbey of Cluny, he joined the ANR Musiconis (Sorbonne-Poitiers)) and specialized in representations of sound and music in the Middle Ages. He currently focuses on paradigms of three-dimensional representation et on ornament in early medieval art.
Frédéric Billiet (Project leader) is Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Music at Paris-Sorbonne University. He was codirector of the ANR Musiconis from 2011-15. He created and manages the musical iconography database Musicastallis and compiled an inventory of musical scenes in choir stalls from 1300-1600. Billiet has written numerous studies on music in northern France, including La vie musicale à Amiens au XVIe siècle (1981), as well as numerous articles and essays on musical iconography.
Victoria Eyharabide is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Paris-Sorbonne University. She has a doctorate in computer science (2010) from the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires. She has published in international journals on subjects such as machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques; knowledge discovery in databases; ontologies and ontology-driven conceptual modeling; human-computer interaction; and intelligent agents.
Xavier Fresquet is Research Engineer at UPMC (Paris 6). In 2011 he completed a PhD at Paris-Sorbonne University in music and musicology, with a specialty in medieval organology and digital humanities and was Project Manager for the ANR Musiconis at the Sorbonne. He is now manager for the Laboratory of Excellence (Labex) Plas@Par (Plasmas à Paris) in Plasma Physics.
Fabien Guilloux is Ingénieur d’études at the Institut de recherche en musicologie of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique. He collaborates on research programs in the area of visual representation, musical iconography, and organology. Guilloux has a doctorate from the University of Tours (2006) where he wrote a thesis on “Les Frères mineurs et la musique en France (1550-1700)”. His most recent publication is Inventaire des Archives musicales de la collégiale Saint-Vincent de Soignies (Bruxelles, Archives générales du Royaume, 2016).
Isabelle Marchesin is Maître de conférences habilitée à diriger les recherches at the University of Poitiers, and conseillère scientifique at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art since 2014. She specializes in musical iconography, and was the organizer of the exhibit Moyen Age, Entre ordre et désordre at the Musée de la Musique (2004) as well as codirector of the ANR Musiconis from 2011-15. She is author of L’image organum. La représentation de la musique dans les psautiers médiévaux, 800-1200 (Brepols, 2000) and many articles on musical iconography, as well as L’Arbre et la colonne. Sémiotique du discours visuel de la porte de bronze de Hildesheim (Picard, 2017).
The 2016-17 cohort of Sorbonne graduate students participating in the FAB-Musiconis program is listed here.