Discussion Question 10

Read: Anselm, On the Fall of the Devil
Please also complete your course evaluation on courseworks! This is very helpful to me and for future students of the course.

For our final question, I want to return to the general question we began the semester with: Why do History of Philosophy? To explore this, what was your favorite question (or at least one you found semi-interesting) we approached in the course? What do you think approaching the question from a historical perspective provided? Do you think looking at the historical positions helped you answer the question? think through the options more/less clearly? explained your pre-theoretic view? What use is History of Philosophy? (Totally ok to take a sceptical position here if you would like).

Discussion Question 9

Read: Plotinus 6.8

The text is quite difficult here, and the Greek itself is a bit of a nightmare, which leads to multiple feasible translations. One of the better translations (the one I gave you) skips a couple sections, so I also attached the Loeb version of those sections, although they will be out of order. The translation is more literal in those pages, but they will give you an idea of the content.

In Ennead VI.8, Sections 3-4, what do you take Plotinus’ argument that evil people lack self-determination (i.e. their actions are not “up to them”) and the voluntary to be? Something similar does not hold of those who are good – do you find this asymmetry to be problematic? Why or why not?