
EECS E4764 | Fall 2018 | MW 2:40-3:55PM | Location: 417 Mathematics Building
Instructor: Prof. Xiaofan (Fred) Jiang, Electrical Engineering, Columbia University


Course Description

We are in the midst of a technological transformation where everyday objects are becoming smarter and constantly connected to the cloud. These intelligent and connected systems, sometimes referred to as Internet of Things, together with the data they produce and consume, hold the promise to improving our everyday lives.

To prepare our students as forerunners of this future, this course will introduce students to a wide range of topics in the broad areas of cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things, including:

In addition to lectures from the instructor, guest lecturers from both academia and industry will give talks in the second half of the term, and provide students a more comprehensive view on current topics in CPS/IoT.

Students will form groups to work on a course projects during the second half of the term, and create a complete working IoT system.


  • 5% Class and lab attendance
  • 30% Labs (6 labs, each 5%)
  • 30% Mid-term
  • 35% Final project