Presenters at the 2017 Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium
Beth Counselman-Carpenter
Lecturer in the School of Social Work
Dr. Beth Counselman Carpenter is a full-time lecturer at CSSW, teaching Foundations, Direct Practice, Advanced Clinical Practice and Gender and Sexuality. Her research interests focus on feminist parenting models, late-in-life coming out issues within the LGBTQ community, expressive arts treatment and post-traumatic growth (PTG). Current projects involve the use of technology in the social work classroom to bridge theory into direct clinical practice skills to increase service provision and resource accessibility and qualitative research in post-traumatic growth of mothers whose children are born unexpectedly with disabilities. In addition to teaching and research, Dr. Counselman Carpenter maintains a private practice, including providing tele-behavioral health, in CT and NYC working with children, adolescents and adults with a focus on treating trauma, mood disorders and developmental life concerns through psychodynamic, play, art and other expressive therapies.
Angelina Craig-Florez
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Angelina Craig-Flórez, Ph.D., is Senior Lecturer and co-Director of the Spanish Language Program in the Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University, where she teaches all levels of the Spanish Language Program. During her more than 20 years as a teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Dr. Craig-Flórez has always aimed to merge her interests in literary and cultural studies with the newest approaches in second language teaching and acquisition. She was awarded the RFP in 2014-2015 for her Project: “Student generated iBooks as final projects and the incorporation of mobile technologies in the face-to-face classroom” which has been successfully applied in her Advanced Language in Content Course: Spain in its Art.
Braden Czapla
Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering
CTL Lead Teaching Fellow
Braden Czapla is a fourth year doctoral candidate in Mechanical Engineering working in the Swamy Group, under the direction of Dr. Arvind Narayanaswamy. He is an Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) fellow in the Optics & Quantum Electronics IGERT at Columbia. Braden studies thermal radiation and its applications in passive radiative cooling and near-field radiative heat transfer. Braden is a Lead Teaching Fellow for the 2016-2017 school year. His teaching experience includes serving as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for one semester and an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for two semesters. Braden’s educational interests include improving STEM education and economizing science and science education.
Massimiliano Delfino
Graduate Student, Italian
CTL Microteaching Facilitator
Massimiliano Delfino is pursuing his PhD in Italian Studies at Columbia University. His research interests involve Italian political cinema, avant-garde cinematic and literary experiments of the 20th century, and intersections between literature and cinema. He started teaching Italian language in 2012 at UNC Chapel Hill, where he was trained in the Language Across Curriculum program and was awarded the prestigious chancellor’s award for teaching excellence in 2013. At Columbia, he has been teaching Intermediate Italian for the past two years and is currently serving as a Microteaching Facilitator for the CTL. He has participated in multiple pedagogical training programs, among them the CTL’s Innovative Teaching Summer Institute program, and the Collaborative Learning, Reflective Learning, and Slow Teaching workshop series.
Deepu Gowda
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Sarah Hansen
Lecturer in the Discipline of Chemistry
Sarah Hansen joined the Chemistry department in 2004 and has been teaching college chemistry courses for the past 14 years. Her research includes curriculum design and assessment as well as visual problem solving strategies. She teaches a general chemistry laboratory course which she recently successfully shifted to a hybrid format. Dr. Hansen has managed several funded projects with an educational focus including her current NSF-funded work using eye tracking to develop metavisualization skills.
Neda Melanie Bassir Kazeruni
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
Brittany Koffer
Graduate Student, Philosophy
CTL Teaching Observation Fellow
Brittany Koffer is a 5th year PhD student in the Philosophy Department. She is currently a Teaching Observation Fellow. She also participated in the CTL’s 2016 Innovative Teaching Summer Institute, where she developed a role-playing project for a summer Ethics course she taught. She specializes in Enlightenment political philosophy, and her areas of interest span history of philosophy, political philosophy and race and gender theory. Her current research focuses on the role sympathy plays in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s moral and political philosophy. In her spare time, she works in education outreach, engaging marginalized groups in her local community with topics in political philosophy.
Franziska Landes
Graduate Student, Earth and Environmental Sciences
CTL Senior Lead Teaching Fellow
Franziska Landes is a fourth year Ph.D. student in the Earth and Environmental Science program. Interested in geochemistry, public health, and citizen science, her current work involves developing and assessing the use of a field test kit for lead in soils. She has been involved at the Center for Teaching and Learning since 2014 and is currently a Senior Lead Teaching Fellow. In her teaching, she is particularly interested in practicing active learning, inclusive teaching, and teaching as research. In 2011, she received her Bachelor of Science in Earth and Space Science from Jacobs University in Germany. Afterwards she worked at the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality before coming to Columbia.
Angela W. Lee
Associate Dean & Chief Innovation Officer at Columbia Business School
Angela Lee is the Associate Dean & Chief Innovation Officer at Columbia Business School, where she is responsible for teaching excellence and online learning. Angela teaches several electives in strategy, leadership and entrepreneurship, and has taken multiple courses online. Angela is a sought-after expert on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, and Fox Business and is regularly featured in media outlets such as Forbes, Huffington Post, and Fast Company. Entrepreneur Magazine recognized Angela as one of Six Innovative Women to Watch in 2015.
Reyes Llopis-Garcia
Lecturer in Spanish, Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures
Reyes Llopis-Garcia holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and is a Lecturer in Spanish at LAIC since 2009, where she teaches and researches in Spanish and Cognitive Linguistics. Her work has been published and presented in several journals, books, and conferences proceedings. At Columbia, Reyes works with educational technology and blended learning in all her classes with the objective of fostering collaboration, interaction, and agency between the students and the course content. She is also the recipient of a Provost’s Hybrid Learning Award and is currently developing a flipped approach to Spanish Grammar at the intermediate level.
Kyle Mandli
Assistant Professor, Applied Mathematics
Kyle Mandli comes to Columbia from the University of Texas at Austin where he was a Research Associate at the Institute for Computational and Engineering Sciences working in the computational hydraulics group. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics in 2011 from the University of Washington studying multi-layered flow as it applies to storm-surge simulation. His research interests involve the computational and analytical aspects of geophysical shallow mass flows such as tsunamis, debris-flow and storm-surge. This also includes the development of advanced computational approaches, such as adaptive mesh refinement, leveraging new computational technologies, such as accelerators, and the application of good software development practices as applied more generally to scientific software.
A. Maurice Matiz
Director of the Media and Instructional Design Studio at the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning
Maurice has been at the vanguard of Columbia’s MOOC efforts. He has led the CTLs teams that have produced a number of Columbia’s open online courses on edX and Coursera starting in 2012. The team has released MOOCs with Eric Foner, Vincent Racaniello, Anya Schiffrin, Agnes Callamard, Alice Kessler-Harris and others. Maurice also coordinated the production of two Teachers College MOOCs with Pearl Kane and Ellen Meier for the White House’s ConnectED program, aimed at U.S. teachers development. Maurice participates in various committees and consortiums on online courses. He also served as co-chair and producer for the Learning With MOOCs 2015 international conference held at Columbia.
Erik Nelson
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Columbia University in the School of Professional Studies
Dr. Nelson is charged with establishing a unified vision for the School of Professional Studies Academic Affairs unit, providing curricular leadership to the school’s portfolio of academic offerings, including 6 academic divisions, 14 master’s degree programs and a growing suite of professional programs. Focusing on developing best in class, academically rigorous face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning programs, he models and supports an entrepreneurial mindset throughout the organization, assisting colleagues to produce and deliver market-driven cross-disciplinary programming.
Jonathan Platt
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Epidemiology
Mary Ann Price
Lecturer in The Discipline of Biological Sciences
Mary Ann Price received her PhD in Chemistry from the Johns Hopkins University, and did post-doctoral training with Richard Treisman at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London, UK, and with Dan Kalderon at Columbia University, where she researched cell-cell signaling during Drosophila development. Before returning to Columbia, she held academic appointments at the University of Sheffield, UK, and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, where she continued to study signaling in development and immunology. At Columbia University, she teaches Physiology and co-teaches Intro Bio.
Erica Richardson
Graduate Student, English and Comparative Literature
CTL Reflective Teaching Seminar alum
Erica Richardson is a PhD candidate in the department of English and Comparative Literature. Her research explores how black intellectuals and authors from the 1890s to the 1930s used strategies from sociological discourse in their writing in order to produce what she calls black possibility during a time period of racial violence and constraint. She has taught in English and Africana studies department at Brooklyn College, and in the University Writing department at Columbia University. She is currently a GSAS Teaching Scholar and a co-facilitator for the Columbia University branch of the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, a program that supports students of color and disadvantaged backgrounds in order to increase diversity in academia.
Nancy Rubin
Executive Director of Columbia Video Network
Dr. Nancy Rubin is the Executive Director of Columbia Video Network, the online division of the Fu Foundation College of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University. Dr. Rubin is a recognized expert and evangelist in online learning, higher education, social and educational media, and instructional and curriculum design. She has presented at many conferences, has been published in educational journals, and is the Associate Managing Editor for the Journal of Literacy and Technology, an online peer-reviewed international academic journal exploring the complex relationship between literacy and technology in educational, workplace, public, and individual spheres.
Paul Scolieri
Associate Professor, Department of Dance, Barnard College
Paul A. Scolieri (Associate Professor of Dance, Barnard College) is the author of Dancing the New World: Aztecs Spaniards, and the Choreography of Conquest (winner of the 2013 Oscar G. Brockett Book Prize) and a biography of “Father of American Dance” Ted Shawn, forthcoming with Oxford University Press. He currently teaches a seminar in dance and the digital humanities in partnership with the Jerome Robbins Dance Division of the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center that features a new multi-media sequencing tool on Mediathread. For more info, see:
Lucie Vagnerova
Lecturer in the Discipline, Department of Music
Lucie Vágnerová is a Core Lecturer in Music Humanities at Columbia University, where she got her Ph.D. in Historical Musicology in 2016. Her dissertation was about women composers of electronic music, and her other research spans J-pop, hip-hop, and women’s labor in the transnational electronics assembly industry. Dr. Vágnerová has presented her work at a number of cross-disciplinary conferences and served on the editorial board of Current Musicology and as Assistant Editor of Women & Music. She has taught Music Humanities and Critical Approaches to Music Technologies at the Department of Music, and Sexing Sound Art at the Institute for the Research of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Columbia.
Poster Session
Adaptive E-Learning in Economics
Thomas Groll, SIPA
A “Flipped” Laboratory for an Introductory Robotics Course
Peter Allen, Computer Science
Assessment of Different 3D printers to Generate Molecular Models for a Course in Molecular Biology
Mauricio Arias Hernandez, Biological Sciences
Building Bridges Between Students and Archives
Elizabeth Call, Columbia University Libraries, Burke Library
Building Storyworlds in the 21st Century
Lance Weiler and Barrie Adleberg, Film
Collaborating Overseas: A New Framework for Online Teaching and Learning
Federica Franze, Italian
Connecting Theory to Practice: A Hybrid Redesign for Experimental Psychology: Human Behavior (PSYC 1420)
Patricia G. Lindemann, Psychology
Ditch the Paper: Fostering Conceptual Thinking through Video-creation
Marta Ferrer & Almudena Marín-Cobos, LAIC
Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg, Teachers College Organization & Leadership
Poll Everywhere, Using Technology to Real-time Assess and Improve In-class Learning
Sabrina Hermosilla, Psychiatry
Promoting Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Geriatric Care through a Technology-enhanced Hybrid Course Re-Design
Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese, PT, EdD, Physical Therapy
Strategies for Successfully Engaging All Students in Live Synchronous Online classes
Matthea Marquart, School of Social Work
Syllabus Design and Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching a Medieval Arabic Love Treatise in Masterpieces of Western Literature and Philosophy
Sahar Ishtiaque Ullah, MESAAS
The Core Inside Out
Donna Bilak, History
Using Online Resources to Foster an In-person STEM Teaching and Learning Community
Susie Newcomb, Biological Sciences
Visualizing Intersubjectivity in Oral History: The Election Project
Mary Marshall Clark, INCITE/Center for Oral History Research