Dear Faculty,
A new EdBlogs is in the works!
Edblogs will be read-only for system maintenance from Friday August 22 at 3pm – Monday August 25 at 12pm.
Course activities that require more than read only access should be planned to occur outside of this time frame.
Thank You.
Welcome to the EdBlogs service designed to provide a blog for every course. Please watch the video below to see EdBlogs in action and to see some potential classroom uses.
EdBlogs provides a blog for any course offered at Columbia University upon the course instructor’s request. EdBlogs make it easy to share course content and create an online community using a blogging format.
Blogs within the system use familiar, word-processor-style editing tools for adding and editing text and images, so it’s easy to create, update and revise posts. Take a look at the EdBlogs support page to learn more tips and techniques for managing an EdBlog.
EdBlogs are set up with a simple template that should accommodate most course needs, including blogging, journal writing, or even a simple course web site. Instructors will also be able to customize the templates to suit specific course requirements. You may see examples of how Columbia faculty have used EdBlogs to enhance teaching and learning by visiting the faculty examples page.
How do instructors sign up for a course blog?
Instructors must request a blog for each specific course. To request a blog, please use the Request a Blog form. Once activated, the course blog will automatically admit registered students when they access EdBlogs@Columbia using their University Network ID (UNI).
Can EdBlogs be set up for purposes other than course blogs?
No, but there are options. The EdBlogs@Columbia service and CCNMTL can only support blogs for courses. Blogs for administrative, research, or individual use can be established on CUIT Blogs, Pressible, or other third-party systems such as or TypePad.
What is a blog, anyway?
The word “blog” is an abbreviation of “weblog”. A blog is a web publication which consists of a series of message posts (possibly with comments by visitors). Blogs archive each post chronologically, with the most recent posts showing up at the top of the main page.
Other questions?
Please email or call (212)854-9058 to set up a consultation or report problems.
EdBlogs is a service of the Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) with assistance and hosting by Columbia’s Library Information Technology Office (LITO).