Class 1-Introduction to the class and Python.
Pick up Python from Nature
Before Class:
- Install Anaconda (see notes below and Watch Video).
Installing Anaconda
- WE ARE USING PYTHON 3 this year!
- if that doesn’t work goto and give your email address. no need to check the box.
- Choose the correct system and install. If things fail we have alternative plans
Goals For Class 1:
- In Class
- Download syllabus
- Fill in survey
- Complete the Central Park Notebook
- You should now have Anaconda with Python version 3.9 installed.
- this is the ipython notebook (pdf) to download and complete during the first class. I will bring printouts to class. It is on github and in a pdf.
- Read the text and copy the examples. In the blank cells try to figure out the code!
- If you need to download the notebook right click on raw and say save as. Then you have the notebook. If you get a .txt file ending change it it .ipynb
- Today’s goal is to slowly work through the notebook. Take your time. I gave us plenty of time.
- For Homework
- sign up for We are going to do 2 courses
- The first course is Anna and Elsa hour of code code is DXGJBZ This is due next class.
- Download or take a screen shot of your certificate and then hand it in on courseworks under assignments. Your name should be on your certificate.
- The second course is the 20 hour coding course You do not have to do the unplugged sections. This is due 2/10/25. You CANNOT join both classes at once.
- Joining these classes is quirky. Use the links above. You can also first sign in to then go to then type in the two codes above. Check with me and I will make sure I can see your progress.
- The first course is Anna and Elsa hour of code code is DXGJBZ This is due next class.
- Watch Video for next class and take the Quiz.
- sign up for We are going to do 2 courses
Homework (DUE Monday January 29, 2025 ):
- The Frozen Hour of Code.
- Watch Next Video and Take Video Quiz!
- Make Sure you Install Anaconda
- Watch Growth Mindset on Home Page and take quiz.
Alternative plans
- On a Mac. UPDATE Just do the installer. If it fails we can do the command line.
- This is critical. You need to do the command line installer. I am updating the video
- this is the link for installing on macs.
- Install like above. But to run I open terminal. You can open terminal by typing “terminal” in the search icon. Then at the prompt type “jupyter notebook”
- On a PC
- I run anaconda on my PC. It has a quirk. Install it. But then my launcher always crashes. To work around.
- Instead of opening installer open the anaconda command prompt. If you can’t open this, go to the file browser and open a new “Anaconda Prompt” window.
- once open type “cd /” to get to root directory. This gives you access to all your directories on your hard drive. I Can’t run from here.
- type “dir” to get your list of directories.
- change to the directory you want to use using cd and you are ready.
- now type “jupyter notebook”.
- You should have notebook now open in your browser
- On a Mac. UPDATE Just do the installer. If it fails we can do the command line.
ON THE MILBANK 222 MACSdue to technical issues we can’t permanently install anaconda so we have to install it every class. the installer is on the root level of the hard drive.Google Anaconda PythonClick on the MAC symbol and download 3.6Click on the Installer and then go through installation.Finding the launcher is tricky.Open FinderGoto the MacintoshGoto User->Student->anaconda and launchOpen Jupyter Notebook.I will add pictures.
This notebook was easy enough to follow for the first day which was good because it wasn’t intimidating. I do wish, however, that you had taken the first day to give us a really good overview of programming, python, and some of the most important and most common terms, like index, dataframe, array, etc. Though you explain these terms when we get to them in the notebooks, it’s easy to gloss over terms and it would be nice to have a lecture-style class on the basics of python so that we know what to look out for, and maybe show us some examples of the final projects so that we know exactly the direction that we’ll be going in.
First, I think the codeacademy and homework was incredibly helpful to “think like a program”. I know some people think it is a bit tedious, but it really helps ease us into python.
Second, you make a note in the beginning that we should use markdown to comment our code. I think it would be better to introduce “## or #” commenting at this point since switching from code back to markdown back to code etc. might cause unnecessary errors.
Third, possibly email the class beforehand, instructing them to download anaconda the day before? I remember it was helpful to have you in the room answering questions real-time, but it could be our mini introduction into CS problem solving.
The introduction to the class was interesting, but I also felt like we were kinda thrown right into it. instead of starting us off downloading anaconda, and starting the complicated lesson etc, I think it would be helpful to give us a brief overview of what python is, and what its used for. I think you should start off by telling us what it means when we import all of the things we do in the first block of code (matplotlib, numpy, etc.)
I think you should give us some major syntax characteristics pertaining to the lessons (for example, ax. vs plt., brackets vs. parenthesis, list vs. string), so maybe not all at once, but when we learn the lesson to go over the syntax.
I think you should give a disclaimer at the beginning about how this course will have a lot of the information for the homework in the notebooks we do in class, but we will also have to do research online for additional help. (I spent a lot of my time on stackoverflow and github this semester)
Nevertheless, I do believe that because you didn’t tell us all of this information in the beginning that it made me work harder to understand the major concepts behind python. No matter how many times someone told me about lists and strings I didn’t truly understand it until I figured it out myself, so in that sense I really liked the way it was taught.
I agree with the comment above about the homeworks ^ , but I also think we should have all of them posted on edblogs or courseworks- it was a struggle to find where the homeworks were posted between the two websites until I realized they were updated more frequently on edblogs.
I also think that slack should be a lot more emphasized next semester. There were so many times I spent hours trying to solve an error, that if we had a group chat (that people actually used) I would have figured it out a lot easier by posting my code and the error.
Overall such a valuable course!! I know I will continue python in the future. Its taught me so much about logical thinking and is actually really fun( yet extremely frustrating).
It would be useful to add a date to class descriptions, so we know what date each class session is, and when things are due.
I will definitely do this.