Resources and Technology

The CTL researches and experiments with new digital and media tools, expanding the opportunities for instructional activities that can be enhanced by technology.

CourseWorks Support

Columbia’s learning management system, CourseWorks, is at the center of many instructional technology activities. CourseWorks is supplemented and enhanced by tools that support a range of instructional objectives, such as tools for online collaboration, presentations, lecture capture, audience response, media annotation, and electronic portfolios.

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Teaching With Technology

The CTL helps members of the Columbia teaching community effectively integrate instructional technologies in their teaching practice. Faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and staff can get advice, training, and support to experiment with a rich portfolio of online platforms and digital and media tools to turn classrooms into active spaces for learning.

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Teaching Resources

Looking for on-demand resources, tips and strategies? The CTL is developing a repository of resources on inclusive teaching practices, teaching with technology, and other teaching and learning topics. Browse the links below to find teaching and learning resources to support your needs and interests.

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What Our CTL Faculty and Graduate Instructors Are Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our fans do the talking!

“The most valuable part of my mid-course review was that it was such a supportive experience for both me and my students. The students felt really comfortable expressing their views about the course, and they were grateful to be able to have an impact on the class going forward. [CTL’s] Ian Althouse gave me a detailed breakdown of what the students appreciated and what they were unclear about—this allowed me to revisit in more detail an activity that had gotten mixed responses in last semester’s teaching evaluations. I was able to adjust the activity and I really feel confident about it now.”

Alana Hein

PhD Student, Department of History

“My advice to professors who are considering introducing active learning into their classroom is don’t be afraid. Seek out advice. Go and watch other professors who are using it in their classroom so you can see it in action. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine what it’s going to look like until you’ve seen it. Just be brave, go for it.”

Mary Ann Price

Lecturer in the Discipline, Department of Biological Sciences

“Having two trained observers watch me for an entire lecture provided valuable feedback that validated my teaching practices, and watching a recording of myself made me aware of various idiosyncrasies that crop up when I’m teaching. The most valuable aspect of the observation was having an objective third party share their honest opinion of my teaching. The positive critiques increased my confidence in how I structure and implement class sessions, while the negative critiques gave me specific aspects of my teaching style to improve.”

Richard Townsend

PhD Student, Computer Science

Contact the CTL

Don’t Be Shy. If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.