For Faculty

Teaching at one of the great universities in the country can present many unique opportunities and challenges. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is here to support faculty in their work and professional development.

Spring & Summer 2020 Highlights

Learn together, learn online, or visit us directly. You can engage in our in-person offerings, explore our online resources and courses, and/or request a consultation today.

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Offerings for Faculty

The CTL offers professional development programs and events to connect Columbia faculty and instructors to effective teaching approaches, resources, and instructional technologies. The Center offers programs ranging from standalone workshops and workshop series to immersive multi-day institutes and semester-long seminar programs.

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Funded Opportunities

The CTL supports Columbia faculty developing innovative and technology-rich pedagogy for their courses including the faculty recipients of the Provost’s funding opportunities. The CTL showcases the exemplary work of these faculty in our Faculty Spotlight series.

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Faculty Spotlights

Partnering with the CTL can make an impact in the classroom, the digital realm, and the entire world. Discover how other faculty are making a difference.

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Contacts for Faculty

Our learning designers help promote the purposeful use of educational technologies for hybrid and online education.

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What Our CTL Faculty are Saying

Don’t just take it from us, let our fans do the talking!

“[The CTL’s] workshop on inclusive teaching shared many strategies for building rapport with students, addressing all students in the classroom, and [reflecting on] my own beliefs and how they impact the classroom experience. The workshop on teaching large classrooms introduced me to a myriad of approaches to interactive and student-centered learning activities. The interactive nature of the workshops made them experiential learning events for me.”

Karen Desjardins

Associate Professor of Nursing at CUIMC, Director of the Master’s Direct Entry to Nursing Program

“One of the most valuable parts of the experience was talking with the observer before the visit to articulate my goals – just having to describe the class, what I thought was working well and what I could improve, to someone else helped me to see things I had not noticed before, or had noticed but not articulated. [I received] lots of really manageable suggestions for how to make changes in line with my goals, some of which I was able to implement right away. We are all always growing and learning as teachers, but these little interventions helped me to grow more and faster, and reflect more actively on my teaching and how I want to grow.”

Amy Starecheski

Co-Director, Columbia Oral History MA Program

“As someone who has taught in the college classroom for about 10 years, it was important to me to have a sort of ‘refresher’ and receive some honest and articulate feedback from a knowledgeable source; the CTL offers just that. Having a member of the CTL observe me made me feel comfortable because I trust them as experts of pedagogical practices. The [teaching observation] process is robust and complete – from a pre-meeting through the observation to the post-meeting – and this makes it worthwhile. This observation helped me to learn new strategies to ensure that I reach all of my students effectively.”

Kevin Visconti

Lecturer in Strategic Communication, School of Professional Studies

Contact the FPS Team

Don’t Be Shy. If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.

Offerings for Faculty

The CTL offers professional development programs and events to connect Columbia faculty and instructors to effective teaching approaches, resources, and instructional technologies. The Center offers programs ranging from standalone workshops and workshop series to immersive multi-day institutes and semester-long seminar programs.

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